Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Times of London - The Muse Speaks


June 19, 2024

Grant and Kaileen invited us for a most civilized breakfast in the well appointed dinning room of The Gore, the erstwhile Turkish Embassy and now a swell lodging, in which they were guests.

We dined on latte, eclair chocolate, breads & jellies and eggs benedict. Scrumptious. After breakfast we were off on foot to the Victoria & Albert Museum (free). We found a fortnight's worth of displays featuring sculpture, tapestry, furnishings, painting, glasswork, printing and a whole lot more to feast one's eyes upon. We but skimmed the surface of all manner of artisan's creations from the Empire that were on display, spending only the morning there before our hosts were off to catch a bus to Nottingham to visit friends.

Sculpture Hall in the V&A Museum

The wonders and artful endeavors were magnificent to behold. 

On our stroll to the Victoria & Albert Museum, we walked past the Royal Albert Hall. I stopped there to wonder if John Lennon really figured out how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall?

Sue on the steps of the Royal Albert Hall.
No holes were seen by me - I guess they all got filled.

And though the holes were rather small. 
They had to count them all. 
Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall. 
I'd love to turn you on.

A Day in the Life; Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

John Lennon of The Beatles 

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