Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Scotland - Highland Coos & Dogs Herding Sheep, Isle of Skye

 June 25, 2024

Some things can be fervently hoped for, but never realized. 

Somethings can be wished for, but never guaranteed to be seen.

Then sometimes one's hopes and wished do come true. 

Kaileen confided that she had hoped that while in Scotland she would be able to get close to the cute, shaggy-faced, unkempt bangs-over-the-eyes highland cow affectionately referred to as 'highland coos'. She also fervently wished to see a flock of sheep being actively worked by a border collie. 

Alas, what are the odds of being in right place at the right time to encounter a working sheep dog while yet being close enough to observe the action? I'd say those odds would be pretty slim - unless you travel with me. For timing is everything and it matters as to the company you keep. Or so it is said. 

We're on the road to adventure with our destination of Storr's Thumb in view ahead when we rounded a curve only to see a shepherd on his ATV with two border collies working his flock of sheep. Kaileen and all of the rest of us were excited at our great fortune. And not only was this taking place next to the road, there was also a rare place to lay by (pull over) to stop and watch. The excitment among the ladies in the car was contagious.

We are fortunate to encounter a shepherd and his two border collies working his flock of sheep.
Storr's Thumb is on the skyline on the right.

Sheep and their lambs are moved forward by a pair of border collies. A dream come true for Kaileen.

The sheep are herded past a waterfall by a shepherd as his working dogs on the Isle of Skye.

We watched and listened as the shepherd, standing astraddle his ATV would whistle and signal his dogs, and they would crouch and pad away to harry their wooly charges. It was great fun to watch the action and Kaileen, Inga and Sue were gleeful with this serendipitous spectacle unfolding right next to us.


The road to adventure and fortunate surprises continued once we wrapped up our lunch in Portree. Just up the road and on the edge of Portree, as if planned, were the very redheaded, scruffy-banged highland cows (the W is silent, so we all moo when we see them and say "Coos! Highland Coos, let's stop!").

The ladies all swoon over these cute beasts of the Highland fields. Inga texts photos of the coos to her friends near Coos Bay, Oregon; and they say 'so cute' bring one home with you. My wife is likewise smitten. "We need some of these guys on the Pilchuck!" Kaileen has her wish of seeing sheep and shepherd dogs plus highland cows all fulfilled within the hour this day. Photo ops abound.

Highland Coo! Picture perfect cattle cuteness makes the girls in my car swoon.
Don't you think he looks like Ringo?

My wife Sue is smitten with these ruddy raggedy beast and wants to take them home and raise them on our Washington acreage.

Kaileen get up close to a Highland Coo and finds the experience a thrilling dream come true.

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