Thursday, March 24, 2022

A Greener Day

A simple man, simple life and simple dreams.

I look out from my simple home, an old, borrowed travel trailer, across my land. I catch the late afternoon sunlight caught among the bare branches of ivy-trunked cottonwoods; they sway ever so gentle in the cool breeze. I hold to my simple pleasures such as this.

The weather has only mustered a high of 46 F degrees day after day. No less, no more. It seems constant - 46 degrees. The rain is frequent and the mud ever-present. 

I have accepted a simple life; no television, no visitors, keeping company with the small army of men who are contracted to appear for a short time, bringing their skills to add to the construction of my new home. 

By board, nail, screw, pipe, fitting, joist, truss and steel, the changes can be seen on the construction site. I too watch and see the changes on the land. 

I look down my gravel driveway as it turns at a right angle toward my gate that leads to the county road. Beyond the this graveled path are the trees and understory brush, and beyond this impenetrable tangle of wood and briar is the rush of Pilchuck Creek's icy waters. I see changes all around me. 

There is now a green haze among the branches. Spring comes and I am able to welcome it unlike any other year in my life. For I am living a simple, purposeful and rather undistracted life. This season I do not live in a spacious, temperature-controlled home with a barrage of routine chores to screen off the seasonal changes. Much has been stripped away and much has been added in my current simplicity.

I look at the changes from a simple perspective and I see a greener day.

I am simply grateful.


 Often I do wish I could share these simple pleasures with others. My hope is in a greener day.

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