Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Golden Hour

The Golden Hour, when the hues of the setting sun make for rich colors across the landscape for the mesmerized observer or photographer. Actually it is nowhere near an hour. It is a fleeting, golden moment.

Such was the occasion outside my window on a stormy January 23rd, 2024. The gray sky dominated all day with sullen and dramatic clouds letting loose their precipitation. The clouds hung low. The sun hurried west in these winter days of abbreviated sunlight. The sun sunk below the clouds, shooting warm hued rays under and between the occluding cumulous clouds and illuminated the naked limbs of the cottonwood grove across the field from my window view. It was a study in contrasts; fiery, glowing trees set against dull, grey skies. It was golden.

To everything there is a season, and in this season of darkness it is a welcomed sight to catch a golden moment as the sun settles over the horizon.

Sharing some of the fleeting golden joys of life on The Pilchuck.

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