Sunday, November 4, 2012

Do Y'all Have Any Questions?

Inga, a Senior at the University of Oregon has landed a job as a tour guide for the Clarke Honors College.  This will bring in about $64 per month - but oh, the experience.  Having come from the Lone Star State herself, I believe Inga is as well prepared as Tina to be hospitable and congenial, using all of her verve and zeal as she conducts tours and answers questions (only at the end of the tour of course) for those prospective students and their parents who have been admitted to the Honors College in the University of Oregon.  There is a basement to the Clarke Honors College, but it is not part of this tour.

When Inga is not leading tours, she is finishing up her classes and writing the required thesis as the last requirement for completing her matriculation through the Honors College.  The subject of her thesis is studying the efficacy of smoking cessation programs, as part of her emphasis on public health policy and intentions of working in the field of non-profit health organizations.

She will be graduating in half-a-year, so stay tuned to The Economy vs The Honors Student.

Take it from Tina, y'all have been just one of the greatest groups! I mean it.

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