Thursday, September 29, 2016

Howdy Folks! It's A Fair Day

September means The State Fair of Texas.  
Visitors are greeted by the beloved and iconic 'Big Tex' and his booming baritone, "Howdy folks! Welcome to the State Fair of Texas!".  Before the invention of cell phones, it was always agreed upon by moms and her kids; "If you get lost, we will meet around the boots of Big Tex".

And now that we have cell phones, Grant called home from Missouri, and said that he had a scheduling change at work, which gave him two extra days off while he transitioned to his new schedule, so... it being September, he asked, why don't we plan to meet at Big Tex? 

Grant pulled in in the evening, got a some home cooking and we made plans to catch the DART train the next day that would take us directly to the Main Gate.  We would figure it out from there.  Ans so we did.

Looking over the schedule of events at the fair today

Fair grounds is populated with many Art Deco statues and murals

A cut through the midway
Didn't win a giant stuffed purple bear -
Didn't try to win a giant stuffed purple bear

The 'Texas Star' Dominates the skyline at Fair Park

We cheer on the African Acrobats at a free show

If you haven't eaten a Fletcher's Corny Dog, then you haven't been to the Fair

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State Fair is famous for its fried food concoctions -
We try go for the 'Fried Twinkies', an old standard.
No regrets

The Swan Boats

Fair Park - Home of the Cotton Bowl

Pig races!  Our porker wins!

A concert by the Marine Corps Band

More fried food, this time let's try 'Fried Cheesecake' - A winner
So long folks!

I'd say it was a fare day.

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