Wednesday, July 8, 2015

I hear you knocking...

I hear you knocking, but you can't come in...

So goes the lyrics from the classic rock 'n roll tune.  But what is that that I hear coming from the kitchen?  It's a scratching, it's a scraping, it's a thump and a clunk.

It is Isaac, one our Desert Tortoises.  He hibernates under the secretary in the kitchen nook, and he has now concluded that under the secretary is his preferred burrow now that it is 100 degrees out in the backyard.  You might think these tortoises are mere reptiles with not much brain power beyond the the rocks they so well resemble.  But you would be quite wrong.  These torts have personalities, show curiosity and preferences.  Isaac has learned to scratch and punch the back door of the kitchen, indicating he wants inside - just like our dog would do.  

Sometimes we let him in.  Sometimes we don't.  But I'll give him his due; Isaac is persistent. 

Isaac our Desert Tortois at the kitchen door
Let me in!
We will probably let him in again.  He certainly will get to come in to settle in for hibernation in mid-October.

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