Sunday, January 25, 2015

In With The New - An Honored Tradition

"New" juxtapose with "Tradition".  Perhaps a bit oxymoronic,  but that is how I like it.

One of my sincerest loved traditions has been the gathering of family friends out in East Texas at the McCord's Blue House for New Years.  For some years now, usually four couples who raised our kids together would gather at the McCord's country estate for a few days and nights around New Year's Eve.  The place has a bunkhouse where the adults would sleep, while the youngins would pile into the kid bedrooms in the main house.  We would share cooking, wine, stories and update events, good and bad from the recent past. Play some parlor games, do a few jigsaw puzzles, watch DVD movies. A good time.

The last 3 or 4 years, the "kids" have grown and moved off to college and such, leaving us empty-nester adults to carry on.  An we have in fine tradition.  Occasionally, one of the young adults will join their parents for a brief time at the Blue House, before dropping back into their own social obligations and orbit of friends.  But the New Years tradition continues, and is there if anyone chooses to join in.  

This year again we made plans to head the 104 miles southeast to the McCord's.  Grant was still home from the University of Missouri on Christmas Break, and in my mind it was a question as to whether he wanted to join his parents for the traditional gathering.  With most his his peers not going to be there, the option to not hang out with the old parents seemed like a strong possibility to me.  I was surprised and then pleased when he asked if he could invite Kaileen to join us.  Including Kaileen in one of our family's better traditions, seemed like a magnanimous and solid idea.  Mom said, "We'll have to check with the McCords first - but I think this would be great."

This is good; something new to the tradition.

Kirby & Donna McCord get the bubbly ready:
3-2-1! Happy New Year!

Donna struggles mightily to pop the champagne cork

Kaileen drove up I-45 to our house from the Houston area and met Grant and Sue.  And then the three of them traveled out to the McCords.  I remained behind to care for the dog.  My plan was to arrive on New Year's Eve, while Grant and Kaileen would come back to our house on New Year's Day to take over caring for the dog and catch the Mizzou v. Minnesota bowl game on our TV.  However, once I arrive in the afternoon, Kaileen was not feeling well; so Grant drove her back to Garland from all the bustle at the McCords.

Grant and Kaileen interact on an easy, well-matched level of conversation and interests.  We enjoyed having her around, as she is positive and interesting and immediately fit well into the household scene around here.

After about a week into 2015, itr was time for the two them to get back to Columbia, MO.  Grant had work scheduled Zimmer Radio and Kaileen too had some things to attend to.  Grant planned on meeting Kaileen about half way between Dallas and Houston at a cafe/pie shop in Fairfield.  Kaileen's mother and "Nana" would escort her up and make the exchange so Grant could drive the both of them back the next day to Missouri.  I was apparently a good deal for Grant, he not only got his girlfriend back, but got a Christmas gift hoodie sweatshirt and then Nana slipped some folding green into his pocket and whispered some instructions into his ear, "Treat yourselves to something nice."  Kaileen comes from good people.

Kaileen and Grant
Prior to departure for Columbia. MO

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