Friday, October 25, 2013

Bringing Back Bump

As my headlights played across the Toner's back fence as I turned into the alley behind our house after a day at the office, I read the newly tacked up sign:

CALL 972-123-4567


My heart sank.  I immediately sympathized with the grief of our neighbor's Jim and Shea.  The torts are such gentle and curious creatures that are quite interesting, and it is so sad to lose one.  I considered just knocking on their door and commiserating with them.

Some years back, while walking around the block I could hear what I recognized as the familiar snorts and the thumping of a desert tortoise pacing behind the Toner's garden fence.  Later, when we adopted our own desert tortoise, Chomper, Sue was a bit reluctant to give Chomper a home in our back yard since we do not have the sandy loam of the Mojave Desert here in Dallas for the torts to dig a proper burrow.  I suggested we consult with the Toner's about the care and upkeep of a desert tortoise in Texas, especially what to do with them during hibernation.  Sue asks, how do you know Jim and Shea have a tortoise?  I said, well I heard their tortoise behind their fence one day while strolling around the block. 
You heard a tortoise?  You're sure you heard a tortoise?
Yes, I replied. 
OK, If you say so.

That was when we met Bump, the desert tortoise from across the alley.  I was deeply saddened to think he had now wandered off.

As I drove past a few more driveways in the alley and pulled into my own drive way, I noticed Chomper moseying across our back deck.  I thought, Chomper is walking with an unusual gait, and besides, Chomper does not usually stroll around at this time of day.  I pulled into the garage and then Strider and I stepped out to check on Chomper.  I counted two torts in the back yard, one settled in under the bench and the other crossing the deck.  But wait!  Isaac has already gone into hibernation and is under the secretary in the kitchen for the rest of the winter -- the two torts outside make three.  I checked to see if Isaac was still inside hibernating, he was.  I then confirmed it was Chomper under the bench and then concluded that #3 must be Bump.  I gave Mr. Bump a warm greeting and then scooped him up and we rang the Toner's door bell.  It was a happy reunion.

I figure someone in the neighborhood found Bump, knew that we had a couple of torts and kindly put the maverick tort back into our yard.  

Bringing Bump back made my week.

Chomper, Mr. Bumps neighbor

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