Friday, August 24, 2012

Great Northwest Trip - The Good Life, Ducks & "Sasquatch Sighting"

We were delighted to be counted among those who joined in the celebration of Nephew Daniel's achievement of Eagle Scout Rank, it was us no-bodies and a whole lot of Famous Potatoes.  After scraping the bugs of the windshield, it was off to Oregon.  Eugene, Oregon to be specific.

Inga will be a senior this year at the University of Oregon, Land of the Ducks. The University Registrar's office sends me quarterly reminders that "You can't be a Duck without a Bill".  Inga is living the good life in her hobbit-hole apartment across the street from the University with her two apartment mates.  Inga is volunteering several hours most days at the Campus Health Clinic where she is screening and doing preliminary advising for students interested in the Smoking Cessation Program.  Inga will be doing her Honor's College Thesis on Health Policy and Smoking Cessation as part of her Public Policy and Planning major with a eye toward a career in the health policy sector or perhaps a lobbyist (all expenses paid!) for health policy.  In September she will go through training as one of the select Clarke Honor's College Campus Guides, interacting the best and brightest prospective students visiting the Oregon campus.  Whoever gave her that (paying) job, knew what they were doing - she will be an excellent and enthusiastic representative of the really smart Ducks.

On our last visit to Eugene, Inga's mother heard mention of new interest by the name of Sean.  When discreet inquiries were made about a possible introDUCKtion, the response was that Sean was a very kind and caring man with many similar interests to Inga's; however, he was also pretty quiet and on the shy-side, not confident in his ability to make good first impressions.  So, Inga told Sean to lay low while her loose-cannon Dad was in town.  I took to referring to this Sean as the "Sasquatch boyfriend", a beast of the Northwest who is widely believed to exist, but who has rarely ever been spotted by credible witnesses (such as myself).  I was told that there was evidence of this Sean on Facebook, but I am not on Facebook; and besides, with Photoshop and everything, am I really supposed to believe the internet and Facebook? I checked and found no evidence of this Sean.

After a year of hammering by the colluding wife+daughter team on old "Troll Dad" to layoff on the Sasquatch business, it was hoped that Dad was under proper control so as to be able to unveil Sean once we arrived in Eugene.  I am now a firm believer!

Sean Battee & Inga
We met Sean as soon as we pulled up to Inga's apartment.  Inga and Sean met us as we stepped from the car and Sean graciously carried my wife's luggage up the stair to Inga's room where we were to stay.  We offered to take Inga and Sean out to dinner.  Agreed.  We all 4 walked to the Maple Garden Chinese Restaurant.  Inga and Sue did most of the talking, Sean and me both stayed kind of quite.  Our waitress had pierced her nasal septum an had two small black horned toad lizard horns protruding from her nostrils.  She also displayed very dark eye-liner and spiked hair in a non-natural color while wearing a crocheted top over her perfunctorily covered black brassier.  It is a left-coast college town, so get used to it.  I didn't think commenting on our waitress was necessary (even after we had left the premises), but the nasal reptilian horns kind of undid my wife.  In retrospect, if only by coincidence, it was a nice contrast between the heavily tattooed & pierced population making a bold and permanent statement and the courteous, introspective and soft spoken Sean.  

Planned ahead of time was for Sean's mother, Annie, to make the hour trip down from Salem and the 3 Sunesons (soon-a-son) and the 2 Battee's (bah-TAY) to enjoy dinner together.  Inga and Sean had selected the Agate Cafe for dinner a few block up the street with dessert at the Sweet Life, across town.  We all enjoyed a very pleasant dinner together, and Sue and Annie quickly discovered they had an acquaintance (now living in New Zealand) in common. And as a mater of fact, Sean and Annie are planning a September trip to New Zealand and Australia.

Annie and Sean, Inga and Sue
Ready for Dinner at the Agate Cafe

Inga & Sean Enjoying the Sweet Life (metaphorically)
As we all Enjoy Dessert at
The Sweet Life (literally)
We all enjoyed having Sean around quite a bit over our 3 day stay. Sean talked of his interest in a career in law enforcement and his status in no-man's land as the previous tenant refused to move out of the apartment he had leased for the Summer and Fall as well as other topics.  And contrary to whatever reservations existed before our arrival, Sean made a very good (first) impression on us all - I guess that would include Inga as well.

Inga certainly has impressed us with her good choices, and those choices are all being savored with a set of good close friends, roommates and of course Sean.  She is excited about her future and faces life with great zeal.

You go Inga! -- and enjoy the journey.

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