Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weather Dog

Some action figures come equipped with "Wonder Dog".
The Suneson's are equipped with "Weather Dog".

Weather Dog
Wonders whether the doggone weather warrants watching

We have seen some extreme weather changes here in North Texas.  Today (02/01/2011) is a great example; on Saturday, January 29th it was 76 degrees.  Early Tuesday morning, February 1st, I awoke to thunder, soon followed by rain, which turned into heavy sleet and frozen rain pelting my bedroom window.  A 5 AM check of local news showed the expected closure of Garland ISD due to a thick glaze of ice across all the roads.  I told Grant that school was cancelled, he raised two clinched fists in the air from beneath his bed covers, whispered a thankful, "Yes!!" And returned to sleep another five hours.  Light snow flurries have continued through the day.  Tonight's low temp is forecast to be 9 degrees (wind chill at around -5), a change of 67 degrees in about 50 hours.

These wild temperature changes have everyone around here guessing as to what to expect.  But we are fortunate to have a Weather Dog that will tell us the current weather conditions.  We simply send Weather Dog outside for a few moments, and upon his return we can determine the meteorological manifestations happening in our neighborhood.

     If Weather Dog returns Wet - It is Raining
     If Weather Dog's curly tail is straight - It is Windy
     If Weather Dog returns with White Spots - It is Snowing
        (This phenomena is known as the Inverted Dalmatian)
     If Weather Dog Does Not Return - It was a Tornado

If Weather Dog is Visible at Night - It has Snowed

Weather Dog will be happy that his pack will hang around the house again tomorrow, as the iced-over streets will keep school closed a second day.

Weather Dog Digs the Snow
His Pack gets 4 Days off Due to Ice & Snow
(Update 2/4/2011)

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