Friday, October 29, 2010

Crunch Time

Those actuaries, they know their stuff. 
The most likely time to be involved in an auto accident?  Why, Friday afternoon.

On a typical day, Grant walks to my office, 4 blocks east of Garland High, rides the alligator 3 floors up and then waits for me to get to a good stopping point with whatever 'awl bidness' business I am working on, and then he takes the keys and drives the Toyota 4Runner (affectionately known as just "Q") 3 miles home for driving practice with his Driver's Permit. 

Vicky Aguilar, works on the 4th floor and gets off work at 3.  I did not know her until we met by accident on Friday, October 8.

Grant had backed out of the parking space, began to pull forward when Miss Vicky also began to back her pickup out of her spot, 5 spaces in front of us.  Grant stops - Miss Vicky continues back - Grant honks - Miss Vicky continues back - I hear the sound of a crunch & a thud; was that the sound of the bumper and grill caving in or my stomach dropping helplessly into my lower loins?) as Miss Vicky continues back - Miss Vicky then stops, comes out of the truck and says "I didn't see you!" [or apparently hear the horn either - but I make a written note of her quote].  Important information is exchanged between Miss Vicky and myself, camera phones were deployed and all the while I am thinking this is just a bad day for everyone, no sense in getting overwrought.  No damage to Miss Vicky's truck.  I suggest that we talk later that evening and see if there might be a way to avoid getting the insurance companies involved.  We drive home. I return to work and renew my auto policy online (expires 10/31/2010) - just in case.

Later in the evening I talk with her husband, and he says that maybe $1000 in damges he could handle himself and maybe a friend of a friend who does auto body work might be able to do a deal.  I tell him I'll get estimates in the morning and see what the damages appear to amount to.  Saturday I get 3 estimates, all around $2750 mas y menos $50 for replacement of left headlamp assembly, front bumper and radiator support.  I tell Mr. Aguilar that the damage appear too severe to handle without insurance and that I will file a claim.  Claims Rep comes by the Sunstone office Monday morning, writes a claim ticket for $2958.  I drop off Q at Sergio's Auto Paint & Body on Monday afternoon and get Sergio to throw in some touch up body work on a few other dings not from the crunched grill.  Deal is done.  Q returns to his rightful place in the garage on the following Saturday.

I am still waiting for by $499 deductable to be refunded to me by Miss Vicky's insurance, since it has been determined that she was at fault, as traffic in the through lane has right of way over vehicles backing out.  I have a bad feeling about this last $500 though.  Be careful out there, especially on Fridays. TGIS.

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