Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Turkey in Wichita Falls (with Tomato Aspic!)

Some people just do things right.  So it is with Bill and Susan, they cook a classic Thanksgiving turkey to perfection.  Some years it works out that we can accept their invitation to gather at their table with family and food, and so it came to pass this third Thursday in November, 2016.  Mighty glad to join up with Sue's brother Bill and wife Susan along with oldest daughter Sarah, her two daughters Sydney and Sage plus her husband Rick.

Sue's job was to bring up the revered Cook Family Thanksgiving "treat", tomato aspic.  For those not familiar with the tradition, it is essentially a tomato jello matrix with black olives and celery thrown into the mix.  Bill eats it. Sue eats it. And I eat it.  All others spurn tradition and the savory gelatin.  Some family discord is to be expected at the Thanksgiving table from what I hear from 'Dear Abby".

Bill take the Thanksgiving turkey out of the oven at just the right moment

Bill & Susan in the kitchen for final preparations

Sue, having made the tomato aspic has done her duty.
Now she sits on the bench awaiting for a call to service

Sage waiting to taste a roasted turkey skin

Carving the bird

The feast begins!
Sage goes for a piece of crispy turkey skin

Susan lays down the scrumptious sides for the feast

Sarah has another load of food to place on the table

Is there a place for the mashed potatoes?

Rick & Sarah

Sue comes to the table when called

We give thanks

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