Monday, May 11, 2015

Water Closet Romantic

Our old seat cover in the water closet had this nice inspirational message on the lid (see above).  However, once the lid was lifted; the seat was less than inspiring.  After a few years of cleaning with chemicals and plain ol' wear and tear, it had developed peeling paint and unsightly blisters.

My idea was a that a new toilet seat would be a wonderful Mother's Day gift.  It would be practical and it would get plenty of use.  So, I cheerfully announced that the family's honored mother would get to go with me to pick out a brand new water closet cover and seat.  "Wow! I just don't know what to say", she says with moistening eyes.  So I seductively said, get your shopping shoes on honey and let's go to Lowe's.

May some all ready guessed, and maybe some were shocked to find out; but deep inside I am a romantic.  But I am out of the water closet now.

She was flushed with excitement
when I revealed her Mother's Day gift

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