Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring Break Broke

Glorious Plans.
New fine and fast friends, hints of warming across the Republic's mid-sections coinciding with the completion of midterms. 
A young man can't help but dream of road trips, adventures and casting one's youth and freedom into such a fortuitous melding of weather and high spirits.
A Glorious Plan indeed!  Indeed it was a Glorious Dream.

Grant calls home from the University of Missouri, classes are going well, he has a few midterms exams coming up but he has the studying routine under control and some of his classes will even forgo the midterm, relying on papers, on which  he has received high marks, he has assured his curious parents.  All that academic stuff being said up-front, Grant inquires, "How about I spend Spring Break on the South Carolina Coast?  His suite mate Carson and their friend Sean (known as 'Jersey' [pronounced "Joisy"] can use Jersey's parent's beach house, so no real expenses for rooms.

Grant's Mom say, "Well, you know I am not a fan of debauchery and Spring Break shenanigans" in understated tones.  Grant assuages her fears, by saying the plan includes only low levels of debauchery, like  learning to play a little golf and mostly hanging out - and Sean's mom will be at the beach house anyway.
It was a Glorious Plan. 
A Plan that required transportation from central MO to the Palmetto shaded shores of the Atlantic.  It was a plan that required Carson's girlfriend, Ali, to employ her car on the adventure to the mysterious East.  Ali had the only set of wheels among the group.  And Ali wanted to go back home to Austin for Spring Break and not play golf in South Carolina or hang out on the beach with Jersey's mom.

Grant, seeing the pieces of the Glorious Plan rapidly corrode and crumble before his eyes, pragmatically kicked them into the dust bin of life where many a Glorious Plan ends up; saying "Yeah, maybe it would be best just to get back home for a week over Spring Break."

When it comes to Glorious Plans, go for broke.  And when it is "Spring Break on the Beach or Bust" -- sometimes it is bust.  But sometimes bust is for the best.

But it was a Glorious Plan.

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