Saturday, May 21, 2011

Prom #2 - With a Real Fox Network

Grant, having proclaimed he had had "the real prom experience" while escorting Miss Fox to her High School Prom, was now going to use a different strategy for his own Garland High Prom night. He was basically going stag, while hanging with an entourage composed of a loosely knit group of young ladies and young men, gathering for pre-Prom festivities at Michele's house. 

The Dallas Morning News featured a guest columnist that very Saturday, a local high school girl who detailed the complexities and anxiety of selecting a unique prom dress and a gazillion other things that girls worry about.  From all appearances, Grant was not so afflicted by a gazillion or even half-a-jillion such things.  However, he had decided that he'd like a red shirt to go with his suit, so he left the house around noon to go buy a red shirt to complete his ensemble for that afternoon and evening.  He returned from the haberdashery hunt with a successful find, and I suggested we wash the new shirt to get the creases out before wearing it.  Again, old-man wisdom prevailed and we put a medium sized load of color laundry through the wash and drier.  No ironing necessary he insisted, so the new shirt was ready a full 18 minutes before he went out the door.

The pre-Prom party group would leave Michele's house, carpooling to the Palladium in South Dallas.  The Prom Committee had chosen a circus theme and had hired stilt-walking clowns, acrobats and aerial artists to perform around and above party-goers.  Grant allowed as he had spent most of the evening around the gaming tables.  Each Senior was given 5,000 points of "house money" along with their tickets, and Grant was able to parlay his initial stake into 47,000 points at the poker table.  He was then able to use his points toward drawings for various merchandise.  He came home with a new 20" flat-screen TV.  Winning! Yeah.

It took his car of guys about an hour to find their way out of South Dallas, and by the time they met up with the ladies, the ladies were not sure what they wanted to do for the rest of the night.  With indecision prevailing amongst the larger entourage, several of the guys thought it was time for a late-night visit to the local IHOP.

The plan suited the guys so well, that they have decided to make Saturday night a night of late movies and IHOP a regular thing.  I am glad to see him out having a good time with good friends and not spending too much time in front of a 20" flat screen TV.

Ready for Senior Prom - With Eyes Wide Shut

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