Diploma Time.
After three preceding graduation ceremonies held by the departments, Honors College and then the University Class of 2013 ceremony; the final ceremony was staged by the distinct schools within the university, this is where the diplomas were handed out (actually just a rolled piece of paper tied with a nice ribbon), the actual diploma comes weeks later in the mail (once they have checked to make sure you've paid all of your parking tickets and lab fees).
The first departmental ceremony on the agenda was to join with Sean and his mom for Sean's Sociology diploma ceremony. Sean plans to get his EMT (Emergency Medical) certification and apply to become a fireman. We applauded wildly as Sean crossed the stage to receive his diploma after the speaker (retiring Professor) told everybody these were the worse of times and the environment and social fabric of the world are about to disintegrate in the most calamitous way. So, good luck to yougraduates [I've got a state pension]. This is from a professor who cut his sociology teeth blowing up University buildings in Wisconsin with the Weather Underground. I'd say times have changed for the better, but they did not offer me a microphone.
Inga's department, Public Policy, Planning and Management (3PM) was lumped with the Allied Arts and Architecture (Triple A) school (supposedly due to an accounting scandal from a decade or two ago); though 3PM has little to do with the AAA. Besides, the Triple-A's have [ugly] brown tassels, while Inga was delighted and insistent that she get to wear a sky blue tassel, a relevant distinction from the architects and brown clay-throwers.
We arrived on the lawn behind the student center for the Triple-A school's ceremony. The biodegradable gowns were rumored to melt in a moderate rain and the organic green dye would wash right onto one's skin and clothing beneath; so it was a mixed blessing to get to the final ceremony with a cloudless sky. It was actually hot (for Oregon), and Inga, now far removed from Texas summers (an unclimatized to the 'heat') was waterless and wilting, waiting, wondering, when will one get my diploma? After an award to a Chinese architect (Oregon alum) and then a tedious speech by the department chair reading a painfully long list of projects from poets, painters, preservationists and polemicist; they then begin to read through the 300 names of those who are to receive diplomas.
Once we arrived, we took note of the strong sun where the folding chairs for spectators were arranged; and Grant and I promptly scooped up 6 chairs and carried them away, where we arrayed them on the backside of the lawn under the trees where we could sit in shaded comfort. When the chairwoman announced the number of diplomas to be awarded, Grant and I simultaneously began calculating that they were awarding a diploma every 11 seconds, and at this rate we would be there for another 2 hours 42 minutes.
The 3PM folks (odd appendages to the Triple-A school as they were), were given the hind end of the event. So we waited, and I got a few vinegar comments going as the day droned to a close. But close it did - eventually. Inga was one of the last to walk across the platform to receive her diploma and we cheered, took a few photos and then dragged the poor little graduate home. We arranged for a steak dinner out, joined by Sean, Annie and friend Cees. Inga and I both ordered a margarita.
Cheers to the Graduate!
Cheers to getting our first through College!
After three preceding graduation ceremonies held by the departments, Honors College and then the University Class of 2013 ceremony; the final ceremony was staged by the distinct schools within the university, this is where the diplomas were handed out (actually just a rolled piece of paper tied with a nice ribbon), the actual diploma comes weeks later in the mail (once they have checked to make sure you've paid all of your parking tickets and lab fees).
The first departmental ceremony on the agenda was to join with Sean and his mom for Sean's Sociology diploma ceremony. Sean plans to get his EMT (Emergency Medical) certification and apply to become a fireman. We applauded wildly as Sean crossed the stage to receive his diploma after the speaker (retiring Professor) told everybody these were the worse of times and the environment and social fabric of the world are about to disintegrate in the most calamitous way. So, good luck to yougraduates [I've got a state pension]. This is from a professor who cut his sociology teeth blowing up University buildings in Wisconsin with the Weather Underground. I'd say times have changed for the better, but they did not offer me a microphone.
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Annie, Sean and Inga Sean's Sociology Department Graduation |
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Sean and his Mom, Annie Proud Graduate with a degree |
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The Lunch Bunch Grant, Inga, Sean & Annie grab a bite before moving on to Inga's final ceremony |
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Inga dramatically melts in Sean's arms. She insists on sustenance before trapezing to her departmental ceremony |
Sean receives an Oregon Duck Blanket from Tom (best friend of his late father) |
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Inga receives a Duck's Cookbook as a graduation gift (I hope there are plenty of meat recipes - you can forget about Inga making a salad) |
Inga's department, Public Policy, Planning and Management (3PM) was lumped with the Allied Arts and Architecture (Triple A) school (supposedly due to an accounting scandal from a decade or two ago); though 3PM has little to do with the AAA. Besides, the Triple-A's have [ugly] brown tassels, while Inga was delighted and insistent that she get to wear a sky blue tassel, a relevant distinction from the architects and brown clay-throwers.
We arrived on the lawn behind the student center for the Triple-A school's ceremony. The biodegradable gowns were rumored to melt in a moderate rain and the organic green dye would wash right onto one's skin and clothing beneath; so it was a mixed blessing to get to the final ceremony with a cloudless sky. It was actually hot (for Oregon), and Inga, now far removed from Texas summers (an unclimatized to the 'heat') was waterless and wilting, waiting, wondering, when will one get my diploma? After an award to a Chinese architect (Oregon alum) and then a tedious speech by the department chair reading a painfully long list of projects from poets, painters, preservationists and polemicist; they then begin to read through the 300 names of those who are to receive diplomas.
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On the [shaded] Grassy Knoll Suneson and Battee Family and Friends Wait and watch for Inga to receive her diploma [Note: Grant gets devil horns from Cees] |
Once we arrived, we took note of the strong sun where the folding chairs for spectators were arranged; and Grant and I promptly scooped up 6 chairs and carried them away, where we arrayed them on the backside of the lawn under the trees where we could sit in shaded comfort. When the chairwoman announced the number of diplomas to be awarded, Grant and I simultaneously began calculating that they were awarding a diploma every 11 seconds, and at this rate we would be there for another 2 hours 42 minutes.
The 3PM folks (odd appendages to the Triple-A school as they were), were given the hind end of the event. So we waited, and I got a few vinegar comments going as the day droned to a close. But close it did - eventually. Inga was one of the last to walk across the platform to receive her diploma and we cheered, took a few photos and then dragged the poor little graduate home. We arranged for a steak dinner out, joined by Sean, Annie and friend Cees. Inga and I both ordered a margarita.
Cheers to the Graduate!
Cheers to getting our first through College!
Inga and classmate Alyssia show [What?] - "Hook 'em Horns" sign (University of Texas) an homage to Inga's parents? |
Enough about Texas Inga and classmate give the "O" Go Ducks! |
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And finally! The moment you all have been waiting for:
Graduating with Honors
Inga Marin Suneson |
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Hey, Mom & Dad; I think I just did it. Did you see me? |
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I got it. Photo please! |
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Everybody just say: Whoa! Oh, Oh, Oh, "O" |
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Brother Grant give an energetic Two Thumbs Up!!
Inga show amazement at his energy
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Sean and Inga It is finished! Inga is ready to cool her jets - and sleep |
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