Time to look to the future.
Our first born has completed four years of college at the University of Oregon.
If she has learned anything in those four years; it must be: Once a Duck - Always a Duck!
Grant and I arrived in Eugene, Oregon on Thursday evening. Sue, due to a heavy work schedule back (aka 'a real job') was to fly into Portland late Friday night, where we would pick her up and drive the 2 hours back to Eugene, where we had reservations for 4 nights at the Shiloh Inn - starting Friday. On Thursday, Inga agreed to go out to dinner with me and Grant, but she had to be back by 10 o'clock as that was the starting time for her group of friends to start celebrating their end of course work. "Dad, thanks for dinner. Grant, good to see you. Both of you, thanks for coming. Gotta go you, see you later." It was few days packed with many obligations for the graduate.
First of the festivities was Sunday afternoon's ceremony on the lawn outside of Johnson Hall, home of the 3PM department. Organizing activities began at Inga's 'Bag End, Hobbit Hole' apartment. The ex-boyfriend of roommate Alex brought over his portable dry cleaner device, which was greatly appreciated by the ladies, as the graduation gowns came out of the bag severely wrinkled and totally unacceptable for public appearance. Of additional concern, was that since this is Oregon, and Oregon being Oregon, the gowns were of course biodegradable. Which rumor had it, they would also melt in a moderate rain (What? Rain in Oregon? Who would ever anticipate such an event?), and as a consequence would also bleed organic green dye all over any clothing underneath. I suggested, "Well really, who would wear clothing under their graduation gown anyway?" My suggestions are often not serious considered any way - but, I'm just saying... So the weather forecast was of some importance for those not wishing to be remembered as Kermit the Streaker.
With preparation complete, everyone cleared out of the apartment and headed toward their respective ceremonies. Our first appearance was to be at the Public Policy, Planning & Management Department for an outdoor and intimate gathering. Joining the throng of celebrants, was Inga's cousin Scott who drove down from Portland State University to join up with us. Sean and his family also came with us to witness Inga's departmental pomp. The circumstances turned dark, when Inga realized that the bookstore had duped her, and given her a brown tassel (thinking she was with the architechs), when what she really should have was a sky blue tassel - correct and much preferred. Sean is a real good guy. He broke out of line and sprinted (did not waddle) to the Duck Store and exchanged the ugly brown tassel for the proper sky blue. Sky blue was dangling proudly from Inga's mortar board by the time the speeches started.
That's a wrap for the the first two ceremonies. Two more tomorrow.
Next on the agenda is the roast pig party tonight. Part of Inga's inner circle of friends includes, Alex (roommate), who's parents operate a vineyard in Northern Oregon will bring some of there vintage and a whole pig that will be roasted for a party on a Filbert nut farm a few miles out of town. The Pig Party is located on a farm where Dan's mom lives with her husband (Dan is the boyfriend of Inga's other roommate, Jasmine). We get directions to the Pig Party and pass them along to nephew Scott, and were off for more good times!
Our first born has completed four years of college at the University of Oregon.
If she has learned anything in those four years; it must be: Once a Duck - Always a Duck!
Inga graduated with honors with a bachelor's in Public Policy, Planning & Management (3PM) Major. Her emphasis was in Non-Profit Management, and she will be looking for a career associated with health care organizations and health policy. She is now entertaining offers from anyone who demands only the best and most competent staff to contribute to their organization's goals. I am thinking that with the Obama-care 'train-wreck' fast approaching, her timing for careers is spot-on, as everyone is going to have to staff up and scramble to figure out exactly what is actually in the Obama-care law and what are its ramifications. I do not think health care will soon be "affordable" nor "available", but Inga is poised to help find that out.
She worked hard up to the last minute to turn in her Honors College Thesis which reviewed UofO's recently implemented "Smoke Free Campus" policy. She has created a template of 'Best Practices' for any and all organizations planning on going smoke-free, and it has been suggested to her that she publish her findings in the Journal of Higher Education. But right now, she says she does not even want to do anything remotely academic. Take a deep breath, breath out. Now publish!
Inga's graduation was the 'High Water Mark' of this trip. Actually, it was four graduations: 1- 3PM School, 2- Clarke Honors College, 3- The University of Oregon Grand Graduation, & 4- Allied College under which the 3PM program fell. We also got to go to Sean's (her boyfriend) graduation program along with Sean's mother and a couple the Battee very close family friends. It was a drawn-out, but festive few days of well earned celebration(s). I took a half-a-zillion photos, and have included maybe more than I should on this blog, but I assume if you have made it this far on this "Blog of the Mundane, the Life and Times of the Suneson Family"; you can expect a duck-load of photos from a proud papa.
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Inga marches to receive her diploma |
First of the festivities was Sunday afternoon's ceremony on the lawn outside of Johnson Hall, home of the 3PM department. Organizing activities began at Inga's 'Bag End, Hobbit Hole' apartment. The ex-boyfriend of roommate Alex brought over his portable dry cleaner device, which was greatly appreciated by the ladies, as the graduation gowns came out of the bag severely wrinkled and totally unacceptable for public appearance. Of additional concern, was that since this is Oregon, and Oregon being Oregon, the gowns were of course biodegradable. Which rumor had it, they would also melt in a moderate rain (What? Rain in Oregon? Who would ever anticipate such an event?), and as a consequence would also bleed organic green dye all over any clothing underneath. I suggested, "Well really, who would wear clothing under their graduation gown anyway?" My suggestions are often not serious considered any way - but, I'm just saying... So the weather forecast was of some importance for those not wishing to be remembered as Kermit the Streaker.
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Prep and Primp Time: Inga checks the weather forecast for rain as she leans against her just pressed graduation gown. Rain will melt the biodegradeable gowns & stain anything underneath. |
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Inga (with proper colored tassel) and Sean enjoying refreshment after 3PM Dept ceremony |
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Inga with 3PM Dept Chair Standing in the way of those who came for the cookies |
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Mark, Sue, Inga & Grant |
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Cousin Scott, Grant & Inga "O" Go Ducks! "O" |
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Inga Traverses University of Oregon Campus Heading for Honors College Ceremony |
Shortly ceremony and reception for 3PM Department graduates, we ask Inga, where do we go now? Y'all have to be over at the Matthew Knight Arena in an our for the Clark Honors College ceremony. See you there. Bye!
One more ceremony finished - But no diploma yet. Keep going |
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Inga Graduates with Honors |
Sweet! More Post Ceremony Speaker Treats For Free! |
Next on the agenda is the roast pig party tonight. Part of Inga's inner circle of friends includes, Alex (roommate), who's parents operate a vineyard in Northern Oregon will bring some of there vintage and a whole pig that will be roasted for a party on a Filbert nut farm a few miles out of town. The Pig Party is located on a farm where Dan's mom lives with her husband (Dan is the boyfriend of Inga's other roommate, Jasmine). We get directions to the Pig Party and pass them along to nephew Scott, and were off for more good times!
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