With darkness coming a short time after 6 PM and the Texas nights drifting into the 50's with a few mornings of fog, Autumnal activities can not be far behind.
Broadcast (TV - Radio)
Print/Digital (Writing)
Strat Comm ('Strategic Communications' - Marketing)
Magazine (Focus on design & lay-out)
- and so other thing that I can't remember (must not have been important)
Grant was initially encourage by others to consider Broadcast because of his voice and easy of communication and conversational style. He considered Broadcast, but was really interested in writing, specifically Sports Writing & Reporting, which falls under Print/Digital. With this tract, he will be given a "beat" next year, where he will be writing for the Columbia Missourian, the local subscription paper. He will likely start by covering area High School sports and work his way up to traveling with the University teams and interviewing the scholar-athletes on campus. One step at a time I say.
Grant has now made enough money making and delivering sandwiches for Mr. Goodcents deli-shop that he can apply for in-state tuition as a working resident of the State of Missouri. They Mizzou administration says, "Can you prove you have worked in the state and made enough to qualify for residnecy?" Grant answers, "Yes I have." They then say, "Show Me." The papers for in-state tuition should be approved by the end of the year.
Also, he and his two apartment mates are planning on hosting a campus radio show covering sports, current events and pop culture - or something. May be it'll be a show about nothing (?). Should be good experience for his journalsim future anyway. One of the trio, Carson, already has his own show on radio, so they already have a foot in the door.
While home, we replaced the front brakes and changed the oil in his machine.
Thursday, November 22 we had gladly accepted an invitation for a Thanksgiving Dinner at the Home of Bill & Susan Cook. Their daughters Lisa and Sarah were there along with Sarah's two daughters, now grown into young ladies.
It was a fabulous feast as always, though the turkey was operating under dual instructions, one set from the turkey wrapper and the other set from the cook book. The Cooks opted for the indigenous wrapper instructions, but that meant a bit more time past the appointed 2 PM scheduled feast as it turned out. What is the rush anyway? It is done when it is done. Just more conversation before we all trip out on the tryptophan. We brought along a couple of pies, pumpkin and Sue's speciality, pecan. I enjoyed everything, including the tomato aspic (I married into this T-day gastronomical element, so I've never complained - nor should I). We returned from Wichita Falls the same day, as we had a dog waiting for his turkey bones at home.

It was a day of rest on Friday as well as my birthday. Grant was out with friends, and I asked to be taken out to have a dinner of seared scallops.
Come Saturday, I was throwing myself a party and cooking for 16 friends. It is all worth Giving Thanks.
For Grant, Thanksgiving means a full week off from classes at Mizzou. He has been looking forward to getting away from classes for much of this semester. One of his apartment mates was not going home until the weekend, so Grant asked Sean to take notes for him on their mutual late-Friday class, as he load his mound of dirty laundry into his car and headed south by southwest. arriving home after 7 PM Friday night after a 9 hour drive.
From what we could pry out of our sophomore, we learned that this semester is a rigorous cycle of classes for J-School, and many end up changing majors at this point. He himself has entertained such thoughts, but knows he can not make a living as a Philosophy major, so it remains Journalism. At this juncture, J-School students are asked to choose 1 of 5 emphasises:
Print/Digital (Writing)
Strat Comm ('Strategic Communications' - Marketing)
Magazine (Focus on design & lay-out)
- and so other thing that I can't remember (must not have been important)
Grant has now made enough money making and delivering sandwiches for Mr. Goodcents deli-shop that he can apply for in-state tuition as a working resident of the State of Missouri. They Mizzou administration says, "Can you prove you have worked in the state and made enough to qualify for residnecy?" Grant answers, "Yes I have." They then say, "Show Me." The papers for in-state tuition should be approved by the end of the year.
Also, he and his two apartment mates are planning on hosting a campus radio show covering sports, current events and pop culture - or something. May be it'll be a show about nothing (?). Should be good experience for his journalsim future anyway. One of the trio, Carson, already has his own show on radio, so they already have a foot in the door.
While home, he did a lot of sleeping; or at least he did not get to see the crack of noon too often. He spent a lot of time on his lap top, I don't ask. Otherwise, he went out in the evening with a few old High School chums and some of the Mighty Owl Orchestra gang gathered for a meal and a movie.
It was a fabulous feast as always, though the turkey was operating under dual instructions, one set from the turkey wrapper and the other set from the cook book. The Cooks opted for the indigenous wrapper instructions, but that meant a bit more time past the appointed 2 PM scheduled feast as it turned out. What is the rush anyway? It is done when it is done. Just more conversation before we all trip out on the tryptophan. We brought along a couple of pies, pumpkin and Sue's speciality, pecan. I enjoyed everything, including the tomato aspic (I married into this T-day gastronomical element, so I've never complained - nor should I). We returned from Wichita Falls the same day, as we had a dog waiting for his turkey bones at home.
It was a day of rest on Friday as well as my birthday. Grant was out with friends, and I asked to be taken out to have a dinner of seared scallops.
Come Saturday, I was throwing myself a party and cooking for 16 friends. It is all worth Giving Thanks.
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