The accumulated wisdom of the ages is passed down through oral tradition, apprenticeships with the shaman and wisdom from the people-of-the-earth. Some of these wise notations have been collected and recorded in the Farmer's Almanac.
Watch the Woolly-Bear Caterpillar to see if it will be a hard winter.
Plant corn by the phase of the moon.
Don't run with scissors.
Never wear ratty underwear - because what if you get in a horrible accident and you have to go to the hospital - and then what would the doctor think if he saw you wearing ratty underwear?
Now I have discovered a talisman for the urbanite: How late into the year can you make solar tea by placing 2 tea bags in a 1 1/2 gallon glass jar on the back deck in the morning, coming home in the evening to find a jar of fresh brewed tea to be served over ice with dinner?
This conundrum has been baffling me for a few years. But the answer is given by the geckos. The answer is:
Turn on your back porch light in the evening, this attracts insects, which then in turn attracts gecko lizards to eat the insects. The geckos will show up as lithe little guests at your home from Spring until well into the summer. But once they no longer gather around your porch light, the season for making solar tea has passed.
Knowledge is power. Use it wisely.

Listen to the wisdom of the lizard! And sip your tea with a mind at peace.
Watch the Woolly-Bear Caterpillar to see if it will be a hard winter.
Plant corn by the phase of the moon.
Don't run with scissors.
Never wear ratty underwear - because what if you get in a horrible accident and you have to go to the hospital - and then what would the doctor think if he saw you wearing ratty underwear?
Now I have discovered a talisman for the urbanite: How late into the year can you make solar tea by placing 2 tea bags in a 1 1/2 gallon glass jar on the back deck in the morning, coming home in the evening to find a jar of fresh brewed tea to be served over ice with dinner?
This conundrum has been baffling me for a few years. But the answer is given by the geckos. The answer is:
Turn on your back porch light in the evening, this attracts insects, which then in turn attracts gecko lizards to eat the insects. The geckos will show up as lithe little guests at your home from Spring until well into the summer. But once they no longer gather around your porch light, the season for making solar tea has passed.
Knowledge is power. Use it wisely.
Listen to the wisdom of the lizard! And sip your tea with a mind at peace.
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