I do love my oxymorons.
Jumbo Shrimp
Military Intelligence
English Cuisine
My 55th Birthday Party
The wife asks me on Friday night, "So, what does 55 feel like?"
I say, "Man, I can't believe 30 was one quarter-century ago. I feel a lot like 32, but dang - 65 is only 10 years away."
I say, "Man, being 55 beats the alternative you know!"
The wife tells me on Friday night, "I feel bad I could not come up with any thing for your birthday present."
I say, "Tomorrow's party with great friend, good food and maybe some wine and 55 years worth of stories, that sounds about my speed for now."
And so it came to pass, Mark Suneson decreed all should gather for a birthday party on the Saturday following Thanksgiving. They came, they laughed, they cried they ate and they drank. And it was good.
We were expecting from 12 to 19 people at the house. I was planning on cooking for all. The question was, how much shrimp does one need to feed this many people? [Answer at the end of this blog] I thought 14.5 lbs should be about right and so place an order at Central Market for deveined, raw, easy-peel jumbo shrimp.

Jumbo Shrimp
Military Intelligence
English Cuisine
My 55th Birthday Party
The wife asks me on Friday night, "So, what does 55 feel like?"
I say, "Man, I can't believe 30 was one quarter-century ago. I feel a lot like 32, but dang - 65 is only 10 years away."
I say, "Man, being 55 beats the alternative you know!"
The wife tells me on Friday night, "I feel bad I could not come up with any thing for your birthday present."
I say, "Tomorrow's party with great friend, good food and maybe some wine and 55 years worth of stories, that sounds about my speed for now."
And so it came to pass, Mark Suneson decreed all should gather for a birthday party on the Saturday following Thanksgiving. They came, they laughed, they cried they ate and they drank. And it was good.
We were expecting from 12 to 19 people at the house. I was planning on cooking for all. The question was, how much shrimp does one need to feed this many people? [Answer at the end of this blog] I thought 14.5 lbs should be about right and so place an order at Central Market for deveined, raw, easy-peel jumbo shrimp.
We had 16 bring their party attitude to our door. One couple was under the weather, but we did not receive that Facebook message with their regrets until after the party. Another couple who had said they would be here, even though it involved a 100-mile drive (one-way) was phoned about 2 that afternoon and asked to bring a few more chairs. My request to bring a few more chairs was met with akward bepuzzlement and stammering after a pregnant silence. "What...? Why...? You want chairs? ...at your house? When? ...tell me again - this for what? After a brief explanation of the event, he said, let me check with Donna - hold on? I hear, "Yikes!" (or something like that) over the phone. I am told that they will be here, and they'll bring along a few chairs.
Sue was the pastry chef and was working on scratch lemon meringue pies (rather than cake) at the old man's request. She turned the kitchen over to me at 3 PM - Dinner at 6 PM.
For the feast for the ancient of days, the table would be set with:
Boiled shrimp
Homemade remoulade (made the day before to let the favors blend)
Grilled Italian sausages
Dirty Rice
Cream of Tartar Biscuits (scratch family recipe)
Green Salad
Lemon meringue & Key Lime pies
(guests were asked to bring their favorite beverage to go with our lime rickies, ice water and soda)
Aaah. Waiter! Bring more wine, I feel like a kid again!
We had 14 lb 8 oz of shrimp on hand.
We cooked and served 10 lbs 12 oz.
AND after everybody had their fill, we had about 3-4 lbs cooked but unconsumed. AKA leftovers.
Total: 7-8 lbs for 16 people.
The Wisdom I gained by turning 55; expect people at a party to eat about 8 oz of shrimp. I treasure this knowledge but I am happy to share it with you.
And, if you act now - we can share some shrimp with you too. Drop on by and see my Jumbo Shrimp.
Let us Eat, Drink and be Merry!