Thursday, August 12, 2010

Too Fuzzy for Texas

Strider (Too Fuzzy for TX) enjoys building a snowman during cooler times [Feb., 2010]
We are now on our 4th A/C unit since moving here in 1989. We upgraded 2 1/2 years ago to avoid the misery of August in Dallas without "refridgerated aire", because we Dallasites love to put on airs as it keeps the ladies from glowing so much. My Lady calls Friday afternoon saying it is 86 inside... I am thinking to myself "my wife is hot! - I'd better get the A/C fixed. It is 104 outside with an overnight low of 80 forecast.

Meanwhile, Inga home from college for the Summer from Eugene, Oregon (cool green Eugene) has a "Mustache Party" at Carolyn's house. Dad's advice: Stay over at Carolyn's as loooong as you can, it will be a night to remember here at home; and I say that not in a good way. Inga comes back at 4:30 AM - without a mustache. I open all of the windows and amp up the ceiling fans. As the sun slowly sets, we sit around the living room in the fading light watching the sweat beads form on one anothers skin. Enough of this entertainment! Lets get out of here. I don't need to ask twice to get Sue and Grant out to dine at an air conditioned eatery where we linger until we go take in the late show at Firewheel Mall. Upon recommendation of the kids, we parents see Inception while Grant opts to view Will Farrel's latest flick. Grant will see Inception the next day for the 2nd time with buddy Eric.

Chomper the Desert Tortoise does not usually take advange of the A/C; so he does not know what he is missing from his perspective in the backyard burrow. Alas, this leaves Strider richly resplendant in very thick, black fur (a gift from his Chow and Labrador Retriever heritage) to hang his spotted tongue on the floor as he pants trying to absorb the last hint of coolness from the foyer tiles. Alas, Strider is too fuzzy for Texas.
Chomper: No complaining about the blown A/C

But Strider smiled even more than the rest of the family when Danny arrived midmorning Saturday to replace the blown capacitor and get us comfortable again and under warranty to boot.

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