THE last First Day of School. August 23, 2010. Grant's Senior Year. Not one to speak his thoughts, Grant methodically set his alarm for 5:45 AM, go up, showered and dressed - it isn't good and it isn't bad, it is just the routine. I was up to inquire if he wanted the ceremonial good luck send-off? Grant knew what I was speaking of and said, "sure, that sounds good". I set to mixing up a batch of cinnamon, ginger-bread pancakes. He said he'd like four. I served 'em hot off the griddle, and then made five for myself. His sister awoke for the
bon voyage and later ate all the rest of the hotcakes for her breakfast and lunch. I dragged him out to the front porch, this time no complaints, as it is just the routine to take a few "1st Day of School photos. I took 5 for good measure, none of which turned out to have his eyes open. But at least the photo routine was completed.
Eyes wide-shut: 1st Day of School |
Not one to speak his thoughts, Grant methodically set down at the dinner table, where his place was set with the "Red Plate" signifying the diner was to be honored for a particular accomplishment or mile stone that day. Mom asks, "Well, how did your day go?" The answer, "Fine". A second motherly probe, "What did you do today?" The answer, "I went to some classes". Dad cracks up at this pathetic dinner discussion dynamic. Dad says that we old folks could barely remember what happens at a High School, but we at least had figured out that he would go to some classes - what we really are looking for are some details about subjects, opinions of teachers and specific instructions.
Grant's defenses warn down, he says that his schedule has math, science and English. He was going to take guitar lessons at school, but thought the teacher seemed inappropriately rigid - so he'll drop guitar. The counselors were swamped, so it will be a few days before he has his new schedule straightened out. Oh, yeah, I have a bunch of paper for parent to sign. Then it was off to familiarize himself with the Greek alphabetic symbols for statistic class homework. Too exhausted to do dishes, he gets a pass and goes to bed at 8:30.
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