Saturday, December 18, 2021

Beginning to look a lot like Christmas 'round here


I am living beneath a large Christmas Tree. 

I've been under the Christmas Tree since October. 

I used to think that Christmas could never come too early. But I now become exasperated when the Christmas decorations come on display in October. In Texas, October can often be 95 F degrees. It doesn't feel like Christmas, it still feels like summer in October. 

I have learned to wait for Christmas, I have learned to enjoy everything it its season. This year I waited under the Christmas Tree and Christmas did come to me.

Living under the Eighty-foot Douglas Fir Christmas Tree outside my tiny travel trailer in Washington, it began to feel a lot like Christmas with the short days, the rain and the cool fog. I was in the mood for a bit of Christmas festive festoons and lights. I could use some shining holiday lights to brighten my spirits under my current lonesome living conditions. A minor extravagance, a festive string of Christmas lights stretched from the utility pole to my humble abode made it start to look a lot like Christmas 'round here!





Merry Christmas and Yule Y'all!


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