Strange how perspectives and lives get rearranged with time, isn't it?
A Strange masked gnome stands guard over his Thanksgiving Pumpkin at Sheri's entrance.
My wife grew up in Washington State with her six brothers and sisters. Two of the six remain in the area. In 2000 we arranged to buy the 50 acres of orchard, woodland and stream that Sue's mother was living on. The plan was to someday resettle on the old Cook place and host family and friends at our country manor. Decades slipped away and we remained in Texas. We would visit our land when timing and schedules allowed, we would talk of "when we get back to the Pilchuck," (shorthand for our land that is bisected by the Pilchuck Creek). We would causally speak of "when..."
Strange that our future landing zone in Washington remained an unfulfilled promise to ourselves through the years while I watched all of the Suneson family relocate to Western Washington. Sister Sheri's husband found work with the State of Washington and they relocated from Idaho after starting in California. Mom and Dad, gaining in years and deciding to give up lakeshore living in Western Montana, asked all of the family to help select a senior living facility for them close to Sheri and move them there near Olympia. Mom and Dad moved to Washington in October, 2018. Sister Wendy retired from California teaching and when her husband's job was eliminated in Fresno, California, they found new employment and enjoyment in Anacortes, Washington. In a span of three years, everyone of my family had relocated to Washington. Yet, we who owned acreage for twenty years and had 'plans' to settle on that land in Washington; remained strangers to the Evergreen State. Everyone accidentally ended up in Washington - except us. Strange indeed.
When the Sue's old family home burned, that started a slow chain of events that evolved and eventually dictated that I drive from Texas in October, 2021 to live in a borrowed travel trailer under a grove of cedars and firs as I worked with our contractor to rebuild the house on our land.
Sheri & Tony hosting Thanksgiving for ALL the Washington Family
Wendy & Barth arrive from Anacortes, WA
Dad, and my Brothers-in-law Tony and Barth gather in Sheri's kitchen
Since circumstances had me away from Texas and living in Washington, I accepted Sheri and Tony's invitation for Thanksgiving at her place 103 miles straight south on I-5. The whole Washington Family would be there, including my nephew Brian and his wife Amy with their 6-week old daughter, Ellie Rae. Everyone was in Washington, except my wife.
For the Thanksgiving table I brought a bottle of Washington wine and a jar of the famous homemade sweet pickles that I picked up at Sue's brother Bill's place on my way through Wichita Falls en route to Washington.
It was a grand feast with all of the family gathered. Little Ellie was a show-stopper cutie as she tried to keep up with the conversation.
Nephew Brian and his delightful wife, Amy, bring the charming Ellie Rae to Thanksgiving Dinner
Grand Niece Ellie with her 'Santa Uncle'
Great Grandpa Al with Brian, Amy & Ellie
Strange how we were once all located close together in California back when, then dispersed to Texas, Idaho, Montana - only to find the family once again gathered close to one another in Washington. A Strange and Thankful day indeed.
Sheri and Tony, announced to everyone that they were expecting to close on a new house after Christmas. We cheered and begged them to show us their soon-to-be new home under construction a few miles away.
Sheri & Tony's new home. They'll move in after Christmas.
Much for which to be thankful!