Sunday, April 9, 2017

Spring Travels: Antebellum Natchez

As we came off of the Natchez Trace Parkway and entered Natchez, we began to search for the Routhland Mansion. a Bed & Breakfast where we would stay the two nights and using it as a base from which to foray on various local adventures.  The first adventure was to locate the B&B.

We eventually deduced where the address and GPS guidance wanted us to be and turned onto an inconspicuous driveway that wound up the slope to the Routhland estate.  Our hostess met us and filled us in on the routine and gave us our passes to breakfast to be served in the carriage house of the Dunleigh  B&B a quarter of a mile away.

Routhland Mansion
Our Natchez home for 2 nights

We Sunesons and McCords shared a single bathroom and a 2-room suite.  One room had a queen bed with a severely concaved mattress, the other room two single beds.

In the front of the Routhland estate was a magnificent old oak, dripping with Spanish moss and hosting ferns growing from its low-slung massive limbs.
Large and beautiful oak standing in front of Routhland

All afternoon a stiff breeze was pushing moisture up from the Gulf of Mexico, and I could feel we were likely going to get some electricity in the air.  Not disappointed, I settled into my strange sheets and pillow as I could hear distant rumbling growing closed through the wee hours of the morning.  I thought it fitting to have the raucous atmosphere pounding around us as I detected lightning through my shut eyelids.  I enjoyed the storm from inside the big, antebellum house.

In the morning, the grass was well drenched with last nights rain, and as the sky cleared, we strolled out to the majestic oak still standing before us, bearing silent witness to unknowable numbers of electrical storms and hurricane winds since it days as a seedling.  I was honored to stand below its boughs.

A little frivolity on top of even lesser amount of hair.
I 'moss' look fabulous!

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